V3 Multi-Datacenter Replication Reference:
Scheduling Fullsync

The fullsync_interval parameter can be configured in the riak repl section of advanced.config with either:

  • a single integer value representing the duration to wait, in minutes, between fullsyncs, or
  • a list of pairs of the form [{"clustername", time_in_minutes}, {"clustername", time_in_minutes}, ...] pairs for each sink participating in fullsync replication. Note the commas separating each pair, and [ ] surrounding the entire list.


Sharing a fullsync time (in minutes) for all sinks:

{riak_repl, [
    % ...
    {data_root, "/configured/repl/data/root"},
    {fullsync_interval, 90} %% fullsync runs every 90 minutes
    % ...

List of multiple sinks with separate times in minutes:

{riak_repl, [
    % ...
    {data_root, "/configured/repl/data/root"},
    % clusters sink_boston + sink_newyork have difference intervals (in minutes)
    {fullsync_interval, [
        {"sink_boston", 120},  %% fullsync to sink_boston with run every 120 minutes
        {"sink_newyork", 90}]} %% fullsync to sink_newyork with run every 90 minutes


Additional Fullsync Stats

Additional fullsync stats per sink have been added in Riak.

  • fullsyncs_completed — The number of fullsyncs that have been completed to the specified sink cluster.
  • fullsync_start_time — The time the current fullsink to the specified cluster began.
  • last_fullsync_duration — The duration (in seconds) of the last completed fullsync.