Simple Network Management Protocol

Riak Enterprise provided a built-in SNMP server that allows an external system, such as Hyperic, to query the Riak node for statistics such as the average get and put times as well as the number of puts and gets. This document only covers SNMP v2c support at this time which was the last supported version. After the release of Riak KV 2.2.3 Enterprise Edition, support for SNMP has been dropped. The below configuration examples are left for people analysing legacy settings and only work with the Enterprise Edition of Riak KV 2.2.3 or lower.


The first step in configuring your SNMP setup is to edit the appropriate files in the Riak node’s etc/snmp/agent/conf/ directory.

First, edit the agent.conf file and set the appropriate IP on which the SNMP server should listen (Ex:

{intAgentIpAddress, [192,168,1,20]}.
{intAgentUDPPort, 4000}.
{snmpEngineID, "agent's engine"}.
{snmpEngineMaxMessageSize, 484}.

%% Note: The commas in the IP are in the correct format

Next, edit the community.conf file if you would like to change your community from public to a different string.

Finally, edit the standard.conf file and update it with the proper information:

{sysName, "Riak Node 1"}.
{sysDescr, "Riak Agent"}.
{sysContact, ""}.
{sysLocation, "System and Rack Location"}.
{sysObjectID, [3,6,1,4,1,193,19]}.  %% {ericsson otp} - don't change
{sysServices, 72}. %% don't change

Riak needs to be restarted for configuration changes to take affect.

Note: Prior to Riak Enterprise 0.13, SNMP configuration values were not reloaded during a restart.

To force Riak to reload SNMP configuration files on startup:

  1. Open app.config (most package installs place this file in /etc/riak/; Solaris package installs place this file in /opt/riak/etc/).

  2. Locate the SNMP term:

        [{config, [{dir, "/etc/riak/snmp/agent/conf/"},
                   {force_load, true}]},
         {db_dir, "/var/lib/riak/snmp/agent/db/"}]}]}
        [{config, [{dir, "/etc/riak/snmp/agent/conf/"}]},
         {db_dir, "/var/lib/riak/snmp/agent/db/"}]}]}
  3. Add {force_load, true} to the config term:

          [{config, [{dir, "/etc/riak/snmp/agent/conf/"},
           {force_load, true}]},
           {db_dir, "/var/lib/riak/snmp/agent/db/"}]}]}
  4. Save app.config

  5. Restart Riak

Once you have configured the SNMP settings you can start your Riak node and will be able to snmpwalk the node to verify that the setup is working:

$ snmpwalk -OS -c public -v2c -m all .

If you would like to query the OIDs associated with Riak you will need to reference the MIB shipped with Riak. For example, the x86_64 packages have the MIB in the following folder:


This folder can be referenced in the snmpwalk command as follows:

$ snmpwalk -OS -c public -v 2c -m ALL \
  -M +/usr/lib64/riak/lib/riak_snmp-0.2/priv/mibs \ RIAK

SNMP Counters

vnodeGets Type: Counter Number of vnode-level GETs in past minute

vnodePuts Type: Counter Number of vnode-level PUTs in past minute

nodeGets Type: Counter Number of GETs in past minute

nodePuts Type: Counter Number of PUTs in past minute

nodeGetTimeMean Type: Gauge Mean GET time (microseconds)

nodeGetTimeMedian Type: Gauge Median GET time (microseconds)

nodeGetTime95 Type: Gauge 95th percentile GET time (microseconds)

nodeGetTime99 Type: Gauge 99th percentile GET time (microseconds)

nodeGetTime100 Type: Gauge Maximum GET time (microseconds)

nodePutTime95 Type: Gauge 95th percentile PUT time (microseconds)

nodePutTime99 Type: Gauge 99th percentile PUT time (microseconds)

nodePutTime100 Type: Gauge Maximum PUT time (microseconds)

nodePutTimeMean Type: Gauge Mean PUT time (microseconds)

nodePutTimeMedian Type: Gauge Median PUT time (microseconds)