V2 Multi-Datacenter Replication

Deprecation Warning

v2 Multi-Datacenter Replication is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use v3 instead.

Riak’s Multi-Datacenter Replication capabilities offer a variety of configurable parameters.


The configuration for replication is kept in the riak_repl section of each node’s advanced.config. That section looks like this:

{riak_repl, [
             {fullsync_on_connect, true},
             {fullsync_interval, 360},
             % Debian/Centos/RHEL:
             {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/data/riak_repl"},
             % Solaris:
             % {data_root, "/opt/riak/data/riak_repl"},
             % FreeBSD/SmartOS:
             % {data_root, "/var/db/riak/riak_repl"},
             {queue_size, 104857600},
             {server_max_pending, 5},
             {client_ack_frequency, 5}


These settings are configured using the standard Erlang config file syntax, i.e. {Setting, Value}. For example, if you wished to set ssl_enabled to true, you would insert the following line into the riak_repl section (appending a comma if you have more settings to follow):

{riak_repl, [
             % Other configs
             {ssl_enabled, true},
             % Other configs


Once your configuration is set, you can verify its correctness by running the following command:

riak chkconfig

The output from this command will point you to syntactical and other errors in your configuration files.

A full list of configurable parameters can be found in the sections below.

Note: In Riak KV 3.0.1+ the riak-repl command has been changed to riak repl (with no hyphen). For execution purposes, please use riak repl. Please be aware that the output from riak repl may quote riak-repl in command execution examples as it has inherited Riak KV 2.x functionality.

Fullsync Settings

Setting Options Default Description
fullsync_on_connect true, false true Whether or not to initiate a fullsync on initial connection from the secondary cluster
fullsync_strategies keylist [keylist] A list of fullsync strategies to be used by replication.
fullsync_interval mins (integer), disabled 360 How often to initiate a fullsync of data, in minutes. This is measured from the completion of one fullsync operation to the initiation of the next. This setting only applies to the primary cluster (listener). To disable fullsync, set fullsync_interval to disabled and fullsync_on_connect to false.**

SSL Settings

Setting Options Default Description
ssl_enabled true, false false Enable SSL communications
keyfile path (string) undefined Fully qualified path to an SSL .pem key file
cacertdir path (string) undefined The cacertdir is a fully-qualified directory containing all the CA certificates needed to verify the CA chain back to the root
certfile path (string) undefined Fully qualified path to a .pem cert file
ssl_depth depth (integer) 1 Set the depth to check for SSL CA certs. See 1.
peer_common_name_acl cert (string) "*" Verify an SSL peer’s certificate common name. You can provide an ACL as a list of common name patterns, and you can wildcard the leftmost part of any of the patterns, so * would match but not or See 4.

Queue, Object, and Batch Settings

Setting Options Default Description
data_root path (string) data/riak_repl Path (relative or absolute) to the working directory for the replication process
queue_size bytes (integer) 104857600 (100 MiB) The size of the replication queue in bytes before the replication leader will drop requests. If requests are dropped, a fullsync will be required. Information about dropped requests is available using the riak repl status command
server_max_pending max (integer) 5 The maximum number of objects the leader will wait to get an acknowledgment from, from the remote location, before queuing the request
vnode_gets true, false true If true, repl will do a direct get against the vnode, rather than use a GET finite state machine
shuffle_ring true, false true If true, the ring is shuffled randomly. If false, the ring is traversed in order. Useful when a sync is restarted to reduce the chance of syncing the same partitions.
diff_batch_size objects (integer) 100 Defines how many fullsync objects to send before waiting for an acknowledgment from the client site

Client Settings

Setting Options Default Description
client_ack_frequency freq (integer) 5 The number of requests a leader will handle before sending an acknowledgment to the remote cluster
client_connect_timeout ms (integer) 15000 The number of milliseconds to wait before a client connection timeout occurs
client_retry_timeout ms (integer) 30000 The number of milliseconds to wait before trying to connect after a retry has occurred

Buffer Settings

Setting Options Default Description
sndbuf bytes (integer) OS dependent The buffer size for the listener (server) socket measured in bytes
recbuf bytes (integer) OS dependent The buffer size for the site (client) socket measured in bytes

Worker Settings

Setting Options Default Description
max_get_workers max (integer) 100 The maximum number of get workers spawned for fullsync. Every time a replication difference is found, a GET will be performed to get the actual object to send. See 2.
max_put_workers max (integer) 100 The maximum number of put workers spawned for fullsync. Every time a replication difference is found, a GET will be performed to get the actual object to send. See 3.
min_get_workers min (integer) 5 The minimum number of get workers spawned for fullsync. Every time a replication difference is found, a GET will be performed to get the actual object to send. See 2.
min_put_workers min (integer) 5 The minimum number of put workers spawned for fullsync. Every time a replication difference is found, a GET will be performed to get the actual object to send. See 3.
  1. SSL depth is the maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that may follow the peer certificate in a valid certificate chain. If depth is 0, the PEER must be signed by the trusted ROOT-CA directly; if 1 the path can be PEER, CA, ROOT-CA; if depth is 2 then PEER, CA, CA, ROOT-CA and so on.

  2. Each get worker spawns 2 processes, one for the work and one for the get FSM (an Erlang finite state machine implementation for GET requests). Be sure that you don’t run over the maximum number of allowed processes in an Erlang VM (check vm.args for a +P property).

  3. Each put worker spawns 2 processes, one for the work, and one for the put FSM (an Erlang finite state machine implementation for PUT requests). Be sure that you don’t run over the maximum number of allowed processes in an Erlang VM (check vm.args for a +P property).

  4. If the ACL is specified and not the special value *, peers presenting certificates not matching any of the patterns will not be allowed to connect. If no ACLs are configured, no checks on the common name are done, except as described for Identical Local and Peer Common Names.