Using > TicTac AAE Fold:
Find keys

Returns a list of keys that meet the filter parameters.

See the TicTac AAE aae_folds documentation for configuration, tuning and troubleshootings help.

The find_keys function

Run this using riak attach.

This function will find all keys that meet the common filters as well as one of two function-specific filters (function_filter) that filter by minimum sibling count or by minimum object size (but not both at the same time).

riak attach
    }, Client).

Please see the list of available standard filters below.

function_filter can be either the sibling_count filter or the object_size filter, detailed below.

The sibling_count filter

This filter will only include keys that have more than the specified siblings.

Note that a value of 5 will mean only objects with 6 or more siblings will be returned.

riak attach
    {sibling_count, count}
    }, Client).

Please see the list of available standard filters below.

For example, the following snippet will return all keys with the filters:

  • in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals”
  • whose keys are between “A” and “N”
  • which were modified in January 2022
  • which have more than 5 siblings
riak attach
    {sibling_count, 5}
    }, Client).

How to get the value for Client is detailed in The Riak Client.

The response using the sibling_count filter

The response will be an array of {bucket_name,key_name,sibling_count} tuples that will look something like this:

{ok,[{{<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>},<<"Barkie">>,15},
    {{<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>},<<"Lord Snuffles III">>,6}]}

This indicates that two objects were found with more than 5 siblings:

  • “Barkie” in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals” has 15 siblings
  • “Lord Snuffles III” in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals” has 6 siblings

For each object found, an additional {bucket_name,key_name,sibling_count} tuple will be added to the array.

Field Example Description
bucket_name <<"cars">> or {<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>} The bucket name as an Erlang binary. In the case of a bucket with a bucket type, a tuple of bucket type and bucket name.
key_name <<"Barkie">> The key name as an Erlang binary.
sibling_count 15 The number of siblings of the object.

The object_size filter

This filter will include keys that have an object size of more than the specified size.

Note that a value of 1000 will mean only objects with a size of 1001 bytes or more will be returned.

riak attach
    {object_size, size}
    }, Client).

Please see the list of available standard filters below.

For example, the following snippet will return all keys with the filters:

  • in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals”
  • whose keys are between “A” and “N”
  • which were modified in January 2022
  • which are more than 1000 bytes in size
riak attach
    {object_size, 1000}
    }, Client).

How to get the value for Client is detailed in The Riak Client.

The response using the object_size filter

The response will be an array of {bucket_name,key_name,object_size} tuples that will look something like this:

{ok,[{{<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>},<<"Barkie">>,5000},
    {{<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>},<<"Lord Snuffles III">>,10550400}]}

This indicates that two objects were found with more than 5 siblings:

  • “Barkie” in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals” has a size of 5000 bytes
  • “Lord Snuffles III” in the bucket “dogs” of bucket type “animals” has a size of 10,550,400 bytes

For each object found, an additional {bucket_name,key_name,object_size} tuple will be added to the array.

Field Example Description
bucket_name <<"cars">> or {<<"animals">>,<<"dogs">>} The bucket name as an Erlang binary. In the case of a bucket with a bucket type, a tuple of bucket type and bucket name.
key_name <<"Barkie">> The key name as an Erlang binary.
object_size 5000 The size of the object.

Available standard filters

These filters are detailed in the Filters documentation and can be used to limit the keys counted.

These filters will reduce the keys to be searched:

These filters will reduce the number of objects included in the statistics: