Monitoring Strong Consistency

Please Note:

Riak KV’s strong consistency is an experimental feature and may be removed from the product in the future. Strong consistency is not commercially supported or production-ready. Strong consistency is incompatible with Multi-Datacenter Replication, Bitcask Expiration, LevelDB Secondary Indexes, Riak Data Types and Commit Hooks. We do not recommend its usage in any production environment.

Monitoring Strong Consistency

Riak provides a wide variety of data related to the current operating status of a node. This data is available by running the riak-admin status command. That data now includes statistics specific to strongly consistent operations.

A full listing of these stats is available in Inspecting a Node. All strong consistency-related stats are prefixed with consistent_, e.g. consistent_gets, consistent_puts, etc. Many of these stats are so-called “one-minute stats,” meaning that they reflect node activity in the last minute.

Strong consistency stats fall into two categories: GET-related and PUT-related stats.

Stat Description
consistent_gets Number of strongly consistent GETs coordinated by this node in the last minute
consistent_gets_total Total number of strongly consistent GETs coordinated by this node
consistent_get_objsize_mean Mean object size for strongly consistent GETs on this node in the last minute
consistent_get_objsize_median Median object size for strongly consistent GETs on this node in the last minute
consistent_get_objsize_95 95th-percentile object size for strongly consistent GETs on this node in the last minute
consistent_get_objsize_99 99th-percentile object size for strongly consistent GETs on this node in the last minute
consistent_get_objsize_100 100th-percentile object size for strongly consistent GETs on this node in the last minute
consistent_get_time_mean Mean time between reception of client GETs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_get_time_median Median time between reception of client GETs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_get_time_95 95th-percentile time between reception of client GETs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_get_time_99 99th-percentile time between reception of client GETs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_get_time_100 100th-percentile time between reception of client GETs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
Stat Description
consistent_puts Number of strongly consistent PUTs coordinated by this node in the last minute
consistent_puts_total Total number of strongly consistent PUTs coordinated by this node
consistent_put_objsize_mean Mean object size for strongly consistent PUTs on this node in the last minute
consistent_put_objsize_median Median object size for strongly consistent PUTs on this node in the last minute
consistent_put_objsize_95 95th-percentile object size for strongly consistent PUTs on this node in the last minute
consistent_put_objsize_99 99th-percentile object size for strongly consistent PUTs on this node in the last minute
consistent_put_objsize_100 100th-percentile object size for strongly consistent PUTs on this node in the last minute
consistent_put_time_mean Mean time between reception of client PUTs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_put_time_median Median time between reception of client PUTs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_put_time_95 95th-percentile time between reception of client PUTs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_put_time_99 99th-percentile time between reception of client PUTs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response
consistent_put_time_100 100th-percentile time between reception of client PUTs to strongly consistent keys and subsequent response