Cluster Operations
In This Section
Adding / Removing Nodes
Describes the process of adding and removing nodes to and from a Riak KV cluster.
Changing Cluster Information
Details how to rename nodes and change the HTTP & Protocol Buffers binding address.
Replacing a Node
Tutorial on replacing a node in a Riak KV cluster.
Inspecting a Node
Guide on some of the available tools for inspecting a Riak KV node.
Bucket Types
Brief tutorial on creating bucket types.
Enabling and Disabling Debug Logging
Details toggling debug logging on a single node or all nodes in a cluster.
Backing Up
Covers backing up Riak KV data.
Enabling and Disabling Handoff
Information on using the riak-admin handoff
interface to enable and disable handoff.
Monitoring Strong Consistency
Overview of the various statistics used in monitoring strong consistency.
V3 Multi-Datacenter
V2 Multi-Datacenter
Explains how to manage V2 replication with the riak repl