Installing on
Alpine Linux

Riak KV can be installed on Alpine Linux using a binary package from the Riak repository.

The following steps have been tested to work with Riak KV on:

  • Alpine Linux 3.18 using x86_64
  • Alpine Linux 3.18 using aarch64
  • Alpine Linux 3.21 using x86_64
  • Alpine Linux 3.21 using aarch64

Riak 64-bit Installation

To install Riak on Alpine Linux:

  1. Add the Riak repository:
    • For Apline Linux 3.18 Run sudo echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories
    • For Apline Linux 3.21 Run sudo echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories
  2. Download and install the Riak repository public key:
    • Run wget -O /etc/apk/keys/
  3. Update your list of packages:
    • Run apk update
  4. Install Riak:
    • For the latest version, run apk add riak
    • For a specific version, run apk add riak=3.0.16-r0

Next Steps

Now that Riak is installed, check out Verifying a Riak Installation.