Usage Overview

In This Section

Creating Objects

Creating and storing objects in Riak KV.

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Reading Objects

Reading and fetching objects in Riak KV.

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Updating Objects

Updating objects in Riak KV.

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Deleting Objects

Deleting objects in Riak KV.

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Content Types

Overview of content types and their usage.

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Using MapReduce

Guide to using MapReduce in applications.

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Using Secondary Indexes

Overview and usage details of Secondary Indexes (2i).

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Bucket Types

Describes how to use bucket properties.

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Using Commit Hooks

Tutorial on pre-commit and post-commit hook functions.

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Implementing a Document Store

Tutorial on using Riak KV as a document store.

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Client-side Security

Overview of client-side security.

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Documentation on replication properties and their underlying implementation.

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Conflict Resolution

Guide to conflict resolution during object updates.

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