PBC Get Bucket Properties

Fetch a bucket’s properties.


message RpbGetBucketReq {
    required bytes bucket = 1;
    optional bytes type = 2;

The bucket’s name (bucket) must be specified. The bucket type parameter (type) is optional. If it is not specified, the default bucket type will be used.


When an RpbGetBucketReq message is sent to Riak, it will respond with an RpbGetBucketResp message, which returns the bucket’s properties:

message RpbGetBucketResp {
    required RpbBucketProps props = 1;

The RpbBucketProps value itself is structured as follows:

message RpbBucketProps {
    optional uint32 n_val = 1;
    optional bool allow_mult = 2;
    optional bool last_write_wins = 3;
    repeated RpbCommitHook precommit = 4;
    optional bool has_precommit = 5 [default = false];
    repeated RpbCommitHook postcommit = 6;
    optional bool has_postcommit = 7 [default = false];
    optional RpbModFun chash_keyfun = 8;
    optional RpbModFun linkfun = 9;
    optional uint32 old_vclock = 10;
    optional uint32 young_vclock = 11;
    optional uint32 big_vclock = 12;
    optional uint32 small_vclock = 13;
    optional uint32 pr = 14;
    optional uint32 r = 15;
    optional uint32 w = 16;
    optional uint32 pw = 17;
    optional uint32 dw = 18;
    optional uint32 rw = 19;
    optional bool basic_quorum = 20;
    optional bool notfound_ok = 21;
    optional bytes backend = 22;
    optional bool search = 23;
    enum RpbReplMode {
        FALSE = 0;
        REALTIME = 1;
        FULLSYNC = 2;
        TRUE = 3;
    optional RpbReplMode repl = 24;
    optional bytes search_index = 25;
    optional bytes datatype = 26;
    optional bool consistent = 27;

Optional Response Values

Each RpbBucketProps message returns all of the properties associated with a particular bucket. Default values for bucket properties, as well as descriptions of all of the above properties, can be found in the configuration file documentation.

It should be noted that the value of an RpbBucketProps message may include other message types, such as RpbModFun (specifying module-function pairs for bucket properties that require them) and RpbCommitHook (specifying the module-function pair and name of a commit hook). Those message types are structured like this:

message RpbModFun {
    required bytes module = 1;
    required bytes function = 2;

message RpbCommitHook {
    optional RpbModFun modfun = 1;
    optional bytes name = 2;
Note on RpbReplMode

The RpbReplMode is of use only to users of Riak CS’s Multi-Datacenter Replication capabilities