Configuring Riak KV

In This Section

Basic Configuration

A guide covering commonly adjusted parameters when setting up a new cluster.

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Backend Configuration

Information on backend-specific configuration parameters.

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Managing Configuration

A small guide to retrieving, checking, and debugging your cluster configuration.

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Configuration Reference

A detailed list of all possible configuration parameters.

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Implementing Strong Consistency

An article providing information on configuring and monitoring a Riak KV cluster’s optional strong consistency subsystem.

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Load Balancing & Proxy

A brief guide on commonly used load-balancing and proxy solutions.

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MapReduce Settings

Tutorial on configuring and tuning MapReduce for a cluster.

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Information on configuring and using Riak KV Search from an operational perspective.

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Next Gen Replication

Information on configuring TicTac AAE’s Next Gen Replication.

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Information on configuring Riak’s two Active Anti-Entropy (AAE) systems.

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V3 Multi-Datacenter

A guide on configuring Riak’s V3 Multi-Datacenter Replication

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V2 Multi-Datacenter

A guide on configuring Riak’s older V2 Multi-Datacenter Replication

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