HTTP Counters

Riak counters are a CRDT (convergent replicated data type) that (eventually) converge to the correct total. You merely increment the counter with some integer, and any potential conflicts will be automatically resolved by Riak.


Riak counters can only be used if the bucket has the allow_mult property set to true.

curl -XPUT localhost:8098/buckets/BUCKET/props /
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" /
  -d "{/"props/" : {/"allow_mult/": true}}"

If you attempt to use counters without setting the above, you’ll get this message:

Counters require bucket property 'allow_mult=true'


To insert just POST an integer value using the /counters resource. This will increment that keyed value by the given amount.

POST /buckets/BUCKET/counters/KEY

To receive the current value is a GET using /counters

GET /buckets/BUCKET/counters/KEY


The regular POST/PUT (HTTP Store Object) and GET (HTTP Fetch Object) responses apply here.

Caveats: Counters have no support for Secondary Indexes (2i), Links or Custom HTTP Metadata.


The body must be an integer (positive or negative).

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/buckets/my_bucket/counters/my_key -d "1"

curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/my_bucket/counters/my_key

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/buckets/my_bucket/counters/my_key -d "100"

curl http://localhost:8098/buckets/my_bucket/counters/my_key

curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/buckets/my_bucket/counters/my_key -d "-1"