Installing on

The following steps have been tested to work with Riak version 1.3.1 on Solaris 10 i386. They demonstrate installation of a Riak node on Solaris as the root user.

Note: Before installing Riak on Solaris, be sure that you’ve installed sudo as Riak’s scripts require it for proper operation.

Open Files Limit

Before proceeding with installation, you should ensure that the system’s open files limit is at least 65536 by verifying the current value of nofiles(descriptors). Check the current value with the ulimit command:

ulimit -a

To temporarily increase this limit for the life of your session, use the following command:

ulimit -n 65536

To increase this value in a persistent manner that will be enforced after restarting the system, add the following to the /etc/system file:

set rlim_fd_max=65536
set rlim_fd_cur=65536

Note that you must restart to have the above settings take effect.

Download and Install

Download your version of the Riak binary package for Solaris 10:

curl -o /tmp/BASHOriak-2.1.3-Solaris10-i386.pkg.gz

Next, install the package:

gunzip /tmp/BASHOriak-2.1.3-Solaris10-i386.pkg.gz
pkgadd /tmp/BASHOriak-2.1.3-Solaris10-i386.pkg

After installing the package, be sure to include /opt/riak/bin in the appropriate user’s PATH. After doing so, you can then start Riak:

riak start

Finally, go ahead and ping Riak to ensure it is running:

riak ping

Pinging Riak will result in a pong response if the node is up and reachable. If the node is not up and reachable, a Node <nodename> not responding to pings error will result instead.

If all responses indicate that riak is up and running, then you have successfully installed Riak on Solaris 10.

Next Steps

Now that Riak is installed, check out Verifying a Riak Installation.