
Authentication Options

  • S3 Signature Authentication
  • Keystone Authentication
  • S3 Passthru Authentication

    • Module name: riak_cs_s3_passthru_auth
    • This module requires a valid user key_id to be included in the Authorization header value, but no signature is required. For example, a valid header using this authentication module would look like this: Authorization: AWS 4REM9H9ZKMXW-DZDC8RV.

    Warning: This module is only intended for use in development or testing scenarios.

Selecting an authentication method is done by adding or changing the auth_module key in the Riak CS riak-cs.conf file, or the old-style advanced.config or app.config files in the riak_cs section. For example, to instruct Riak CS to use S3-style request signing as the means of authentication, ensure the following is contained in your configuration file:

auth_module = riak_cs_s3_auth
{riak_cs, [
           %% Other configs
           {auth_module, riak_cs_s3_auth},
           %% Other configs
{riak_cs, [
           %% Other configs
           {auth_module, riak_cs_s3_auth},
           %% Other configs

S3-style authentication is used by default.

S3 Authentication

Signing and Authenticating REST Requests

The primary authentication scheme available to use with Riak CS is the S3 authentication scheme. A signature is calculated using several elements from each request and the user’s key_id and key_secret. This signature is included in the Authorization header of the request. Once a request is received by the server, the server also calculates the signature for the request and compares the result with the signature presented in then Authorization header. If they match then the request is authenticated; otherwise, the authentication fails.

Full details are available in the S3 authentication scheme documentation.

Query String Authentication

Riak CS also supports authentication using a query parameter. This allows issuing of pre-signed requests that can be used to grant public access to private Riak CS data. It also supports an expiry timestamp so that the pre-signed URL can be invalidated after a certain period of time.

The signature in the query string secures the request and you can specify any future expiration time in epoch or UNIX time.

  1. Create a query
  2. Specify an expiration time for the query
  3. Sign it with your signature
  4. Place the data in an HTTP request
  5. Distribute the request to a user or embed the request in a web page

Query String Parameters

Parameter Description Data type
AWSAccessKeyId Your Riak CS Access Key ID string
Expires The time when the signature expires, specified as the number of seconds since the epoch integer
Signature The URL encoding of the Base64 encoding of the HMAC-SHA1 of StringToSign string


For example, a query URL is similar to the following example.

Keystone Authentication

More information on using Keystone for authentication with Riak CS can be found in using Riak CS with Keystone.