This document will cover the API calls for accessing Riak TS data over HTTP.


All Riak TS calls use the ‘/ts’ endpoint. Using the following table schema, each API call has a corresponding URL:

   region       VARCHAR   NOT NULL,
   state        VARCHAR   NOT NULL,
   time         TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
   weather      VARCHAR   NOT NULL,
   temperature  DOUBLE,
     (region, state, QUANTUM(time, 15, 'm')),
     region, state, time
Call Request URL Type Description
put /ts/v1/tables/GeoCheckin/keys ‘[»Row(s)«]’ POST put a single or a batch of rows
get /ts/v1/tables/GeoCheckin/keys/region/North%20West/state/WA/time/14201136 GET single-key get of a value
delete /ts/v1/tables/GeoCheckin/keys/region/North%20West/state/WA/time/14201136 DELETE single-key delete
query /ts/v1/query –data “»Query«” POST execute a query
list_keys /ts/v1/tables/GeoCheckin/list_keys GET streaming list keys
REST purity

The query Call type supports SQL queries, so REST purists may think that the HTTP verb should be GET when the SQL command is a SELECT targeting a single record, DELETE when the SQL command is a DELETE targeting a single record, POST when the SQL command is an INSERT, PUT when the SQL command is an UPDATE targeting a single record. However, such purity attempts are stretched to the breaking point for a SQL command of SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE targeting multiple records. As SQL is generally oriented at set-based operations and REST is oriented towards single-document operations, using POST to process set-based operation should be apparently pure. This distinction should help the developer in reasoning about Riak TS usage over HTTP, including how to properly cache results, a primary reason for REST purity.


All keys need to be implemented in the query string using percent-encoding (or URL encoding), which can be seen in the examples above for the get and delete operations. Failing to do so will result in a 400 - Bad Request response. Percent-encoding variants where a space character is replaced with a + will work as expected, but it is recommended that modern variants are used where spaces are encoded as %20.

Blob data

Riak TS 1.5 introduces raw binary data via the blob data type. Although such data will be stored in binary inside Riak TS, JSON does not support raw binary data, so the data must be encoded before being sent to, or retrieved from, the server.

The encoding mechanism for binary data in the HTTP API depends on the interface being used.

Note: we do not currently recommend using blob columns in the primary key because not all Riak TS APIs deal gracefully with them.

JSON and base64

Most binary data will be written to from Riak TS using base64 encoding inside JSON. This includes data uploaded via put and keys specified as parameters to put, get, and delete.

Blob data inside JSON retrieved from Riak TS will also be base64-encoded, including URLs returned from list_keys.

Hex encoding

Any SQL queries executed via query that include comparisons against a blob column (currently, the only comparisons supported are equal to or not equal to) must encode the compared data in hex notation.

This notation is an integer value in base 16 preceded by 0x. The ASCII string “hello” would look like 0x68656c6c6f (or 0x68656C6C6F). The value is an integer and thus is not escaped using apostrophes as a string value would be.

An example SQL query against a table with a blob column named acceleration_stats:

SELECT * FROM devices WHERE name = 'ACME anvil' and acceleration_stats = 0x001a5942 and time > 0 and time < 1000

The results from the query are in JSON and thus will be encoded as base64, not hex.

Keys and Values

Call Method Type
put POST Write
get GET Read
delete DELETE Write
query POST Query
list_keys GET Read

Single-key get and delete requires the complete primary key to be serialized in the path of the URL, using the order defined in the schema to determine which row to get. The entire row will be returned.

The put call uses a full row or a list of full rows in order to add entries to the table. Each row is specified in a separate tuple.

Streaming list_keys returns all the URLs as plain text separated by a new line for all the keys in the table.

The query to be executed should be sent as a plain text string in the body of the request.

The value of »Server« is the IP address of your system and the HTTP interface port, separated by a colon. This value is the listener.http.internal setting in the riak.conf file.

Returning Results

All request results will be JSON-encoded, except for the streaming list of keys which returns plain text.

Error conditions will be returned by a JSON structure containing an internal error code and a human-readable message, in addition to reporting HTTP status code in the response in the 400 range.


Let’s write the following rows to the table:

"Florida", "Miami", 1234567, "hot", 23.5
"Illinois", "Chicago", 1234568, "windy", 19.8

A put call can be used to write the two rows:

$ curl -XPOST --data '[{"state":"Florida","city":"Miami","time":1234567,"weather":"hot","temperature":23.5},{"state":"Illinois","city":"Chicago","time":1234568,"weather":"windy","temperature":19.8}]'


A get call can be used to read one of the rows:

$ curl -XGET


A query call can be used to run a SELECT query to display all columns of the GeoCheckin table and return all rows that satisfy the WHERE clause:

$ curl -XPOST --data "SELECT * FROM GeoCheckin WHERE state = 'Illinois' AND city = 'Chicago' AND time >= 1200000 and time <= 1500000"


A list_keys call can be used to stream a list of keys in the table:

$ curl -XGET

A delete call can be used to delete one of the rows:

$ curl -XDELETE


The following are bad calls that result in various errors:

$ curl -XPOST --data "CREATE TABLE GeoCheckin (state varchar not null, city varchar not null, time timestamp not null, weather varchar not null, temperature double, PRIMARY KEY ((state, city, quantum(timecol, 15, 'm')), state, city, time))"

Query error: Local key does not match primary key
$ curl -XPOST --data '[{"state":"Florida","city":"Miami","time":1234567,"weather":50,"temperature":23.5}]'

Bad value for field "weather" of type varchar in table "GeoCheckin"
$ curl -XGET

Table "GeoCheckin2" does not exist
$ curl -XPOST --data "SELECT ? FROM GeoCheckin WHERE state = 'Illinois' AND city = 'Chicago' AND time >= 1200000 and time <= 1500000"

Query error: Unexpected token '?'.
$ curl -XDELETE

Key not found