Default Ports for Basho Data Platform
The following is a list of default network ports used by Basho Data Platform. Your environment should be configured to allow traffic for these network ports.
Service | Default |
Secure Shell (SSH) | 22/TCP |
EPMD Listener | 4369/TCP |
Leader Election (Enterprise Edition only) | 5323 |
Riak Inter-Nodes Communication | 6000-7999 (port range) |
Redis | 6379 |
Cache-Proxy | 22122 |
Cache-Proxy Stats | 22123 |
Spark Master | 7077 |
Spark Master Web UI | 8080 |
Spark Worker | 7078 |
Spark Worker Web UI | 8081 |
Protocol Buffer | 8087/TCP |
HTTP | 8098/TCP |
Riak Handof | 8099/TCP |
Search (Solr) | 8093 |
Search (Solr JMX) | 8985 |
Cluster Manager | 9080 |
Riak EE JMX (Enterprise Edition only) | 41110 |